Saturday, July 19, 2014

Narrative Elements

1. Narrative Elements

2. There are 7 elements of narrative

  1. Plot
  2. Setting
  3. Character
  4. Atmosphere
  5. Theme
  6. Point of View
  7. Literary Devices

3. Plot

  1. What happens in the story; events that occur
  2. from beginning to end.

  • Conflict A struggle between forces . 
  • 1) Human vs. Human 
  • 2) Human vs. Nature 
  • 3) Human vs. Society 
  • 4) Human vs. Her/Himself

4. Setting

  1. When and where the story occurs (time and place)
  2. P lace : geographical location ; w here is the action of the story taking place?
  3. T ime : w hen is the story taking place? (historical period, time of day, year, etc . )

5. Setting

  1. W eather C onditions : i s it rainy, sunny, stormy, etc?
  2. S ocial C onditions : w hat is the daily life of the characters like? Does the story mention the speech, dress, mannerisms, customs, etc. of a particular place)?
  3. M ood or A tmosphere : w hat feeling is created during the story?  Is it bright and cheerful or dark and frightening? This element of the setting can evolve throughout the story.

6. Character

  1. Protagonist:
  2. the character whose actions form the basis of the plot
  3. the main character, the “ hero ”
  4. Antagonist:
  5. character who opposes the protagonist and or creates obstacles for him/her
  6. forces that work against the protagonist ’ s success (e.g. protagonist ’ s own character traits)

7. Character

  1. Dynamic (or Round) character :
  2. A complex, multidimensional , developed, embodying a number
  3. of qualities and traits
  4. A character that changes throughout the story
  5. (complex, many sides)
  6. Static (or Flat) character :
  7. A character that never changes (one-sided)
  8. Embody or represent a single characteristic, trait, or idea, or at
  9. least a small number of such qualities

8. Atmosphere

  1. Mood pervading the story
  2. The feeling aroused in the reader by the setting, plot, characters and devices (e.g. feeling of horror, uneasiness, peace)

9. Theme

  1. The main point or central concept around which the story is focused.
  2. Statement about life or human nature conveyed or implied through the story
  3. Can be the author ’ s message or central insight that s/he is trying to communicate through the story Examples of themes include: love, betrayal, friendship, war, etc.

10. Point of View

  1. Method of narration
  2. First person narrator: “ I ”
  3. Told from a highly personal perspective
  4. Third person narrator: “ He ” , “ She ”
  5. Told from an outside narrator who is not a character in the story

11. Point of View Continued

  • O mniscient : means "all-knowing," and the narrator in such a circumstance can direct the reader's attention to the inner thoughts of any of the characters and controls the sources of information

12. Point of View
Third Person:

  1. L imited O mniscient : what the narrator knows and sees is restricted to what one central character can know and see.  This limited perspective can explain things differently from a first person point of view .
  2. O bjective : the most "drastic" third person point of view ; t he narrator disappears, and t here is no way of entering the minds of the characters.  The reader is permitted t o view the plot only externally, from the outside.  Because its technique resembles drama, this point of view is often referred to as "dramatic."

13. Literary Devices

  1. Part of the style of a piece of writing, used to make it more interesting. Examples include: imagery, symbolism, humour, dramatic irony, figurative language (e.g. metaphor, simile), flashback, foreshadowing, etc.